Tin Tuesday
A big thank you to Ms Ceri Jones (one of our parent Governors) and some of our other parents for coming up with this fantastic idea 🥰
On the first Tuesday of each month, we kindly ask that each child comes to school with a tin of food (packets are fine too!) These will then be donated to a local Food Bank.
With food banks being relied upon more than ever, we want to play our part in helping.
"Little by little, a little becomes a lot" 💚Diolch 😊

Buddy Bench
Our Head girl, Nel, wanted to create a 'Buddy Bench' for the yard. She wanted anyone that was feeling lonely or had no one to play with, to have somewhere to go 🥰. The other children could then see who was alone and should go and ask if they were ok or offer them to join in. Dosbarth Cybi loved this idea.
However, benches are expensive and we couldn't find one to suit Nel's design. As a class, we talked about ways of funding the bench. Initially, we suggested some fundraising activities but eventually decided that we would ask for donations of wood so that we could have a custom made bench.
Our task last week was to research local timber merchants or trades and compose an email to them.
We sent the emails to a range of companies and were lucky enough to bag a donation of wood from North Wales Housing!
The emails the children have composed were fantastic! Da iawn to Eloise for getting the first reply - very proud.
Our Buddy Bench has just now been delivered 🤩😍💜
One of our parents, Mr Groves, kindly volunteered to make the bench. A massive thank you to him for spending half term creating it.
But first, the bench is to be painted!